Installation guide : optional libraries

complex_bessel, library used for using complex-valued Bessel functions.

Concepts uses complex_bessel, a library written by Joey Dumont and Denis Gagnon to handle with complex-valued (see

Direct installation

Library will be in the build folder, whereas include files will be in the include folder.

Xerus, a general purpose tensor library

Complex uses Xerus, a general purpose tensor library written by Benjamin Huber and Sebastian Wolf.

Direct installation

alglib - cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library

Installation of this library is optional since there is an already embedded version inside Concepts.

Installing packages in Debian, Ubuntu or Redhat

For the Linux distributions Debian or Ubuntu install the package libalglib-dev

ftsh - fast transform for spherical harmonics library

Concepts uses FTSH, a library written by Martin J. Mohlenkamp to handle with fast transform for spherical harmonics. It relies on the version 2 of the FFTW library.

Installation of FFTW2

Installation of FTSH


The file boost-build-modules.jam should be modified in the following

modules.poke : FFTW_PATH             : /home/semin/fftw2/lib ;
modules.poke : FFTW_INCLPATH         : /home/semin/fftw2/include ;
modules.poke : FTSH_PATH              : /home/semin/libftsh2012_4_6 ;
modules.poke : FTSH_INCLPATH          : /home/semin/libftsh2012_4_6 ;

FFTW3 - Fast Fourier Transform library

Concepts uses FFTW3, a library written by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson and that is used to compute Discrete Fourier Transforms.

Installing packages in Debian, Ubuntu or Redhat

For the Linux distributions Debian or Ubuntu install the package libfftw3-dev

Direct installation

numa: Concepts/installationExtra (last edited 2020-07-06 13:18:41 by semin)